Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ina Garten's Baked Blintzes with Fresh Blueberry Sauce

This recipe post is dedicated to my dear friend, Monica, of "Lick The Bowl Good". I know that she loves blueberries, because she sent me a jar of her homemade blueberry jam-- which I will use to make her beautiful Lemon and Blueberry Cake. I just need to find the time, but I will make it!

I have posted a few of Ina Garten's recipes from her newest cookbook "Back to Basics", and I still have a few more I am anxious to try. I discovered this recipe the same day that I decided to make her Tomato and Goat Cheese tart.

I was invited to attend an early breakfast buffet and party at my brother's house in Santa Cruz, CA. Fred throws this party during the Santa Cruz Annual Wharf-to-Wharf Race. My brother's house is right along the path where thousands of runners go by, while his band plays music.

We had to leave the our house by 6:30am, in order to arrive before the streets were closed to traffic. When I spotted this recipe, I figured that this could feed a small crowd and it sounded really good. I figured that in the 45 minutes it would take us to drive to my brother's house, the blintzes could stay warm... or, at least, I hoped they would!

I don't have my usual step-by-step photos because it was dark outside, and getting late when I finally decided to make this recipe. I am still waiting for my light box that my husband promised to make for my birthday-- ahem! Craig? However, scroll to the very bottom and I've posted the recipe in a printable format. You won't find this recipe on Food Network.

I can tell you that I made the three components-- The Blueberry Sauce, the pancake sauce, and the cheese filling the night before. I debated baking the blintzes the night before, but Monica talked me out of it. She was right-- I didn't want the blintzes to turn soggy or not taste fresh.

The only ingredient I didn't add to the pancake batter was the baking powder. I left it on the counter, to remind me to add it in the 5:30am. I was half asleep, to say the least.

I did set the oven to preheat to 350F so that I could jump out of bed and get this into the oven.
I added the baking powder and poured just enough batter to give an even coating to the bottom of the baking pan. Once it baked for 10 minutes, I poured the rest of the cheese filling.

I shot this photo with a flash, so it's not the best. I wanted you to see how I spooned the rest of the batter on top of the cheese filling.

I baked it in the oven for 35 minutes and it turned out nice and golden. I jiggled it, and it was set. It was 6:45am and time to hit the road!

I packed up the blueberry sauce and lightly covered the blintzes with foil-- and off to Santa Cruz we headed. As I had hoped, the blintzes were nice and warm when we arrived.

I lightly warmed the blueberry sauce and placed it on the buffet table-- and then took my first taste. I liked the creamy texture of the ricotta and the mascarpone cheese. The filling wasn't super sweet and I loved the blueberry sauce. I'm not a fan of blueberries, but this sauce changed my mind.

Overall, I think Ina came up with a brilliant way of making cheese blintzes without all the work of making crepes, which I have made and posted here. The pancake batter can be seen on the bottom, as well as being a light crust on top.

I think I would add a little more orange or lemon zest to the cheese filling, next time. Mascarpone cheese isn't cheap to buy, either. I did use an Italian mascarpone, but it cost $6.00 for 8 ounces, and I think that's a little pricey for some folks budgets. I'm also posting a recipe for a mascarpone substitute that I recently made, that turned out to be just as tasty.

There was a lot of food at the buffet, so I took home a few leftover pieces. The blintzes reheated, beautifully, in the microwave. The next time I make this, I could easily cut the recipe in half.

I would describe this version of blintzes as resembling an Italian Ricotta Style Cheesecake. I think this recipe is perfect to bring to a potluck buffet. It makes a beautiful presentation and it's not over-the-top sweet. Good job, Ina!

Monica, I wish I could send you a slice of this. You know I would if I could!


Baked Blintzes with Fresh Blueberry Sauce, from Ina Garten

This is an ingenious version of making cheese blintzes, without ...

See Baked Blintzes with Fresh Blueberry Sauce, from Ina Garten on Key Ingredient.

Mascarpone Cheese Substitute

I was making a recipe for a Spring Risotto, and ...

See Mascarpone Cheese Substitute on Key Ingredient.

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