Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"The Perfect Scoop" of Strawberry Sorbet

Sorbets have got to be one of the easiest frozen desserts to make-- other than granitas. I've made my fair share of them, and Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit is one of my top favorite flavors. I've made sorbets by making a simple syrup with great results.

I finally joined the group of David Lebovitz fans by purchasing his book "The Perfect Scoop".

The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments 

I've already bookmarked several of his recipes for ice creams and sherbets but I had yet to make one of them...
Until I stopped at my local farm stand that is appropriately named "The Farm". How could I resist buying their freshly picked organically grown strawberries for $2.25 a basket?

I happened to have a bottle of kirsch (for making a future fondue) so I decided to try the recipe for Strawberry Sorbet. I liked that I didn't have to make a simple syrup, because I would have to chill it for a while.

The ingredients and steps are simple:

Fresh sliced strawberries, kirsch (just a little and you don't have to use it), sugar, fresh lemon juice and a pinch of salt.

The strawberries were so naturally sweet, that I didn't have to use a lot of extra sugar. Taste your berries and adjust to your needs.

After an hour, I used my immersion blender to puree the berries. I decided not to strain them because I kind of like the crunch of the seeds.

If you don't own an ice cream maker, they have really come down in price, since the days of the manual versions. I once had the type where you use ice and salt but why bother? My bowl is kept in my upright freezer so all I do is add the chilled mixture and 15 minutes later...

A beautiful deep red frozen strawberry sorbet is ready!

Well... almost. I did put it in the freezer for about an hour.

I am looking forward to choosing my next recipe to make, from this book. While I love an occasional small carton of Haagen Dasz or Ben & Jerry's ice cream-- I am glad that I invested in an ice cream machine. I use it year-round-- even in the winter!

I have several recipes I would like to share with all of you-- but, I have returned to work. I'm really busy registering new students for the school year, so I'll be pretty scarce until the weekends.

Here's a little teaser... this blueberry sauce goes over something really delicious and easy!

Stay tuned!


Strawberry Sorbet

        <p>I&#8217;ve made many sorbets, but this recipe was one of the easiest and one of the very best. I think the Kirsch is what gives a little extra zip to the recipe, and it helped to freeze the fruit just right.<br />(Adapted from The Perfect Scoop)</p>    

        See Strawberry Sorbet on Key Ingredient.    


Fresh Strawberry Sorbet on Foodista

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