Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My most viewed recipe of all-- Meatloaf!

Hey friends!

Today, Craig and I are headed south to Paso Robles. That's where my horse lives. For all of her life, she's lived close to me. Last June, I moved her two hours south to a friend's ranch, where the cost of boarding her is less expensive. She has earned her retirement, where she lives out her life in a huge stall. She's well looked after, and check out her view:

Not too shabby, is it? I forget this donkey's name, but he's a little cutie.

From there, we'll drive to Cambria where I plan to enjoy lunch at a cute Tea Room I discovered the last time we were there. It's not too girlie, so much husband is happy to eat lunch there. We'll be gone all day long, but the weather has been perfect.

... and we'll stroll into antique stores and cute stores and gardens.

I'm taking a break from blogging (and cooking), but I wanted to share with the my #1 most viewed recipe I've posted.

Meatloaf! What's up with that? I know that meatloaf is a love-hate relationship. My boys love it, and I guess so does a large percentage of America?

This really is an excellent recipe, from Cook's Illustrated-- and I've always had good luck with their recipes. This tastes so good because I use veal, beef and pork, and a Cook's Illustrated technique that I think is very clever. To learn how I make it, click here:

I'll be back on Thursday-- planning our next adventure.

Only two more days to enter my free giveaway-- if you love homemade jam. Click here for more info:


My Favorite Glazed Meatloaf Recipe

This my family's favorite meatloaf recipe, of all time ...

See My Favorite Glazed Meatloaf Recipe on Key Ingredient.

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